Attendance & Punctuality
At Cavendish Community Primary School, our vision is to ensure ALL pupils can fulfil their potential by attending school every day to benefit holistically from their education so that they are motivated, happy and prepared to learn and achieve.
As a Right Respecting School, we acknowledge under Article 18 & 28 of the UNCRC the importance of working together with parents/carers to ensure children have full access to the education provided for them. Together, we are duty bound to ensure children receive these Rights.
Article 18 (parental responsibilities and state assistance) Both parents/carers share responsibility for bringing up their child and should always consider what is best for the child.
Article 28 (right to education) Every child has the right to an education.
Pupils with attendance 98% or above
Pupils with attendance 96% or above and below 98%.
This may include the following:
- Parents/carers will receive their child’s end of year attendance percentage as part of their end of year report. This includes congratulating them on their child’s good/excellent attendance.
- Pupils will be rewarded within the school’s award systems in recognition of good/excellent attendance.
- Pupils with this level of termly and annual attendance will receive a certificate of achievement and their names will be displayed on the school attendance notice/display board.
- The class teacher will be responsible for all action at this level and will record all intervention and outcomes. Records will be copied to a member of the Senior Leadership Team regularly.
- A member of the Senior Leadership Team will monitor the effectiveness of interventions. This will be used to review and inform whole school self-evaluation and impact of interventions.
Pupils with attendance 90% or above and below 96%.
This may include the following:
- Class teacher will speak to the pupil to:
- Confirm with the pupil the reason for absence and offer any support that may be required to parents/carers.
- Update the pupil on other work they have missed and support any catch up required.
- Set an individual attendance target for the pupil to support improving their attendance
- Agree a review date
- In addition, where unauthorised absence has occurred or attendance has not improved following the review with the pupil, a letter will be sent to parents/carers advising of concern and outlining the parents/carers’ responsibilities and possible future statutory action.
- A meeting may be arranged with a member of SLT and a plan including individualized targets, to help support and improve attendance.
Where improvement has not occurred following this intervention, parents/carers will be invited to a meeting where the possible outcomes will be:
- All parties confident that issues have been resolved and the attendance will improve.
- Does the family need support through an Early Help Assessment?
Is a referral needed or additional mentoring to support pupil?
Pupils with attendance below 90%.
Pupils who have attendance below 90% are persistently absent and pupils below 50% are considered severely absent from school.
This may include the following:
To ensure that intervention is focused and meets the needs of individuals, pupils may be grouped into any of the following categories to ensure they receive personalized support to meet their needs and address reasons for absence.
- Looked After Children and Children on the Child Protection Register
- Special Educational Needs
- Parental support/needs e.g. parental drug use, young carers, domestic violence
- School issues e.g. bullying, poor teacher/pupil relationship, curriculum issues
- Offended or have an Anti-Social Behaviour Order
- English as an Additional Language
- Ethnic minority
- Mid-Year Admissions
- Identified member of staff [class teacher, attendance lead, SLT] who will:
- Ensure that the pupil has already spoken to a member of staff at the stages proceeding RED intervention (RED - AMBER intervention will occur in cases where the pupil has immediately fallen from GREEN into RED)
- Ensure that regular contact occurs with the pupil either individually or within a small group to address themed issues.
- Ensure that regular contact with the parents/carers to discuss any arising issues and to provide feedback on their child’s attendance, behaviour and academic progress.
- Review existing plans and co-ordinate school resources to support the pupil’s attendance and any additional needs
- Be the key contact person for any external agency working with the pupil
- Input into whole school strategies to address the needs of pupils within their group
- Each identified member of staff will be responsible for all action at this level and will record all intervention and outcomes. Records will be copied to a member of the Senior Leadership Team and headteacher regularly.
- Identify underlying any out of school barriers that may be causing the pupil’s absence and consider appropriate support such as early help, Manchester Thrive Hubs etc.
- Review the pupil’s academic progress and make links to the pupil’s attendance
- Multi-agency meeting to address concerns
- Where appropriate statutory action
- A meeting may be arranged with a member of SLT and a plan including individualized targets, to help support and improve attendance.
Attendance will be a standing item on the agenda of the Senior Leadership Team meetings where the progress of these groups will be reported and the effectiveness of interventions measured. This will be used to review and inform intervention.
Attendance Lead and SLT report to governors on pupil’s with persistent absence including the strategies and support in place to improve attendance.
The headteacher/principal will report to the Chair of Governors/Governor for Attendance each half term and will report termly to the Governing Body on the percentage PA and SA.