School Uniform

Here is the school uniform requirements for Cavendish Community primary School:


  • Red sweatshirt or jumper, with or without logo
  • Plain white school shirt/polo shirt
  • Grey or black school trousers, grey or black school skirt/pinafore/trousers
  • Black low heeled shoes – high heeled shoes, flimsy sandals and flip flops are not suitable for school as they pose a health and safety hazard



If preferred, children may wear the following items during spring/summer months:

  • Grey or black school shorts (not sports shorts)
  • Red & white gingham dress

P.E. uniform 

  • Black sports shorts/tracksuit bottoms
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plimsolls/trainers

Y3/4 only 

For swimming:

  • Swimming trunks or one piece swimming costume, swimming cap to cover long hair
  • Towel
  • Swimming kit should be kept in a named bag

Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name and year group eg Joe Bloggs, Year 4.  This enables us to sort out lost property more quickly and effectively.

Uniform rules

Children may wear:

  • Sensible inexpensive wristwatches.  The pupil is entirely responsible for their watch and the school is not responsible for damaged or lost property
  • Sensible hair bands/slides/scrunchies
  • Plain headwear for religious or medical reasons – eg hijab, topi, bandana

Children should not wear:

  • Jewellery except small stud earrings – these must be removed for all P.E. activities. If your child cannot remove their earrings by themselves, please take the earrings out before he/she comes to school
  • Make up – including nail varnish
  • Jeans or sports clothing during the normal school day
  • High heeled shoes or flimsy sandals/flip flops

School Uniform can be purchased online at My Clothing Uniform Service using the following website address: 

My Clothing now have a Facebook page: which parents can access to see updates, leave comments and share queries.

or direct from MCS Stores on Fog Lane, Burnage

Alternatively most items can be purchased from high street shops/supermarkets

Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number