
We are committed to our value of EQUALITY and this means ALL children...

  • have access to an inclusive curriculum and school life
  • understand, promote and champion equality
  • know that fairness means everyone getting what they need to grow and achieve
  • celebrate what makes them different, unique and special
  • feel they are a valued member of the Cavendish community 


Our mission is to promote EQUALITY and ensure that it runs throughout the Cavendish community


What our families said about EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION...

                        parent feedback website.PNG

Here are our aims for this year...

Continue to develop our School of Sanctuary status

Celebrate & Promote our value of EQUALITY through Equality Day!

Empower & inform children - Rights Respecting Steering Group to lead

Engage parents - parent survey and use of weekly coffee mornings

Accessability - update Equality Scheme & Acessability Plan

Cavendish BIG Chat - speak with children about their thoughts and feelings about equality and diversity




Thank you to Stop the Clock designs who provided every child in school with a blank card to fill in with a positive affirmation. Each child then received a card in an act of spreading kindness.



Year 1 enjoyed learning some Bollywood dancing...


Watch a snippet here!


Every child in the school designed their own petal to create our Cavendish flower garden of diversity...

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Nursery and Reception had a visit from Sign Me Happy...


Year 6 met a poet who helped them create poetry based on where they are from...

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We all wore red in support of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign. We created some artwork and poems during the day...

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Azaan and Jeena were selected for awards for their entries into the Show Racism the Red Card competition and will be off to an award ceremony soon!


Refugee Day 2023

Children in all year groups learnt about refugees, asylum seekers and the meaning of safety and home. 

Each class came up with ideas for a If you join our school poem. This is the final school poem of welcome:

If you join our school, we will show you around and look after you

If you feel alone, our school is your home

If you need a friend, we will give you hundreds

If you need a helping hand, we will reach out to you

If you’re worried, we will offer lots of courage

If you are blue, we will brighten your mood

If you do not know where to go, we will draw a path for you

If you join our class, we’re sure you’ll have a blast!


Nursery looked at finding the right house whilst Reception created friendship bracelets for each other...

20230621_100220.jpg20230621_102225.jpg Watch Nursery talk about refugees by clicking here


Key stage Two also created Hexagons of Hope based on their learning of refugees and asylum seekers...

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Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number