New family information

School Uniform

  • White polo shirt
  • Red jumper
  • Black trousers or skirt/ pinafore dress
  • Black shoes
  • Checked dress in Summer


Ensure every item of clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s first name and surname

PE Kit

On PE days, bring your child to school wearing their PE kit— white t-shirt, black joggers/leggings/shorts and a red jumper.


More information on uniform can be found here:


Extra Curricular clubs

At Cavendish, we have plenty of extra curricular clubs on offer for your child. There are clubs on every day after school. Please ask the office for more details about the clubs on offer to your child and how to book on to them.


Key Stage 1

Arrival Time: 8.40am

Lunch Time is 11:45-12:45pm

Pick up Time: 3:20pm

Children will enter and exit via Vicker Grove.

Children will only be allowed to go home with adults whom parents or carers have given us permission to release children to.

Staff are available for you to chat to at the beginning and end of the day. If you need more than two or three minutes with a member of staff, please make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. You will also be sent an invitation to the class’s Class Dojo where teachers will post any messages and you are able to message the teacher.

What to Bring to School

  • Your child needs a book bag. These can be purchased from the school office. Make sure your child’s first name and surname is written clearly on their bag.
  • Your child will need their reading diary in their bag every day.
  • Send your child into school every day with a labelled water bottle.
  • In Year 1 bring a spare pair of wellies that can be kept in school.

Healthy School

Free School Meals are available for every child up to the age of 7 years.

A healthy snack will be provided for your child at morning playtime.

If you wish to send your child in with a packed lunch, please ensure a healthy, balanced lunch is provided. Chocolate, sweets and nuts are not permitted.

A healthy balanced lunch should include:

  • Starchy foods—bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and others
  • Protein foods—meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
  • A dairy item—cheese or yoghurt.

School dinners are chosen every morning . You are able to pick your child’s lunch from home if you wish to do so. Ask the office for information on how to do this.

Please make a decision on whether your child is on school dinner or packed lunches and stick to this decision for at least a term. Let the office know which your child will be having.

More information can be found here:


The single most helpful thing you can do to help secure your child’s educational chances is to read to them every day!

Each week your child will bring home a Guided Reading book and a Home Reading book along with a reading diary. Please read these books for at least 5 minutes daily. It is also important for them to hear you read to them as well.

Children will need their reading books in their book bag every day ready for Guided Reading sessions in class.


In Year 1, children will have daily phonics sessions which are approximately 20 minutes long.

Children will work in a Phonics group that is at the correct level for them. By the end of Year 1, children will have been taught all Phase 3 to Phase 5 sounds. Phonics will continue in Year 2.

By the end of Year 2, children will be expected to spell the Year 1-2 Common Exception Words.

Homework is set weekly.

Key Stage 2

Arrival Time: 8.40—8.50am

Lunch Time is 12:45—1:45pm

Pick up Time: 3.20pm

Year 3 children will enter and exit school via Blaggs Gate.

Year 4 children will enter and exit school via the Main Entrance

Year 5 children will enter and exit school via the gate nearest to the car park.

Year 6 children will enter and exit school via the gate opposite the entrance to Cavendish Park.

 Children will only be allowed to go home with adults whom parents or carers have given us permission to release children to.

Staff are available for you to chat to at the beginning and end of the day. If you need more than two or three minutes with a member of staff, please make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. You will also be sent an invitation to the class’s Class Dojo where teacher’s will post any messages and you are able to message the teacher.

What to Bring to School

  • Your child needs a book bag. These can be purchased from the school office. Make sure your child’s first name and surname is written clearly on their bag.
  • Your child will need their reading journal in their bag every day.
  • Send your child into school every day with a labelled water bottle.

Healthy School

We are a healthy school promoting a healthy balanced diet. Snacks for break time can be brought in and need to be a piece of fruit or vegetable.

If you would like your child to receive a school meal at lunch time, please let the office know and they will inform you on how to pay for this.

School dinners are chosen every morning . You are able to pick your child’s lunch from home if you wish to do so.

If you wish to send your child in with a packed lunch, please ensure a healthy, balanced lunch is provided. Chocolate, sweets and nuts are not permitted.

A healthy balanced lunch should include:

  • Starchy foods—bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and others
  • Protein foods—meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
  • A dairy item—cheese or yoghurt.

More information can be found here:


Children will receive a reading book each week which will be suited to their level of reading. They will also visit the school library where they will have the opportunity to take out a book of their choice to read for pleasure.

Please ensure you are reading with your child every day:

  • 15 minutes of school reading book
  • Pick a story to read together. It is important for your child to hear you read to them.

Year 4 Swimming

In Year 4, your child will attend swimming lessons on a Wednesday morning.

Send your child in to school with:

  • Goggles
  • Swimming hat for long hair
  • One piece swimming costume or trunks/bottoms
  • Towel
  • Named bag to put everything in

Year 6 Groups

In Year 6 your child will be taught in different teaching groups across the week.



Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number